Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Great American Burrito

Mexican food is very popular in the United States. Except, of course, it isn't really Mexican, just like our Chinese food isn't really Chinese, our Italian food isn't Italian, or anything else. (Our Lithuanian food is exactly Lithuanian, but nobody eats it.)

At any rate, I realized long ago that in American Mexican food, the burrito has surpassed the taco. But what I realized today, shooting across the surface of Haddam, Connecticut, at 75 miles per hour, is why the burrito is king. The burrito can be eaten while driving.

And thus, the key to the success of Taco Bell. If only the poor French could find a way to make a bouillabaisse edible with one hand, then there'd be French food franchises at every interstate exit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew you would come around.