Monday, August 4, 2008

The List of Things Not to Pay Attention to in Life

I've long known that there were many things in life, that, if you simply ignored them, vast amounts of time opened up to you. These things are the list of things to ignore. I do not say that these things are worthless. There are apparently reasonable people who seem to derive pleasure from—at least some of these things. But I do say that the total possible joy derivable from these things, the total possible joy, is less than the amount of work required to be invested in the first place. Here then is The List of Things Not to Pay Attention to in Life:

Teen sensations
Wine connoiseurship
Methodist theology
The N.B.A.
George Stephanopolous
Bond films
Entertainment Tonight
Harry Potter
Joseph Biden
New Jersey
Isreali-Palestinian relations


Unknown said...

I know your stance on the Democratic VP candidate, but what about the Republican VP candidate?

Kylinus Troianus said...

Look again, I posted this on August 4, three weeks before Joseph Biden was the nominee.

Politics, though is at The Palladium of the Republic.

Kylinus Troianus said...

“But as a wise man once asked, Who gives a rat’s patoot what Joe Biden thinks?” —Jonah Goldberg

Unknown said...

Horseracing? Is this a yearlong ban, or just on non-Kentucky Derby days?

roryrabbitfield said...

If I were to post my own list of things not to pay attention to, before reading this one, it would have been almost identical. Eeried. Except I don't know what Phlogiston is, so I probably would have not included that. This list is spot on.